Lost Scripts / Giske / Mozart
Format: 12"
Price: ¥2390(税込)
Date: 2019/10/09Axel Bomanとのスペシャル・ユニットTalaboman復活作品も話題となったスペインの才人John Talabotによるこれまたコラボ・ユニットLost Scriptsによるこれまた3年振りとなる新作が絶対マスト・チェック!!12分越えのスローモー・ハウス・バーナーA面に、モジュレート・シンセやEQ/エフェクトのトビも効いたトリッピーなブレイクビート・ハウスB面共に強力な仕上がり!!LTD.!!
A1. Giske
B1. Mozart
John Talabot and Pional bring back their Lost Scripts project to start a series of 12" with some of the jams the duo has been recording during these past years between Barcelona, Madrid and Giske. The release comes housed in a sleeve by Arnau Pi. -
John Talabot / Khidja / Immediate Crash Alert / Maquinas Maravillosas
Format: 12"
Price: ¥1990(税込)
Date: 2019/06/25スパニッシュ気鋭John Talabotが手掛けるレフトフィールド・ダンス・レーベル<Hivern Discs>が送るスプリット・シリーズ約2年振りとなる第2弾がオススメ!!レーベル常連タレントであるルーマニアン・デュオ・ユニットKhidjaによる9分弱に渡りじっくりとディープにビルドしていくスローモー・オルタナティブ・ハウスB面が特にオススメ!!
A1. JT "Immediate Crash Alert"
B1. Khidja "Maquinas Maravillosas"
The Hivern split series was born as a platform for those club tracks that don't need of a broader ecosystem to fully express themselves. But also as a way of generating a sort of unplanned dialogue between artists in the label's orbit, connecting the dots amid them in spontaneous and almost unconscious ways. The new installment of the series is a good example of the latter. When John Talabot and Khidja made their respective tracks they probably didn't had each other's work in mind...and more -
Tribu / Mori Ra / Hiverned 5
Format: 10"
Price: ¥2390(税込)
Date: 2019/10/09Axel Bomanとのスペシャル・ユニットTalaboman復活作品も話題となったスペインの才人John Talabotが主宰する人気レーベル<Hivern Discs>デッドストックを入手!!日本人タレントMori-Raによる傑作エディットをカップリング!!
A1. Tribu "Arbre Tonke (JT's Hivern Edit)"
B1. Mori Ra "Keniya Edit"
The fifth instalment of the Hivern edit series brings together John Talabot and Mori Ra in which might be its most adventurous release yet. On the A side, John Talabot reformulates a Catalan tribal oddity by reinforcing its off-kilter pulse and ritualistic percussions. On the flip, Mori Ra reconfigures for the modern dancefloor a Japanese synth obscurity that falls somewhere between the weirdest side of synth-pop and a proto-techno experiment. The release comes in a limited edition 10'' housed in a silk-screened sleeve. This is a vinyl only release. -
Khidja / Impossible Holiday Remixes
Format: 12"
Price: ¥2490(税込)
Date: 2018/11/14人気ルーマニアン・デュオ・ユニットKhidjaが昨年リリースしたシングルの見逃せないリミックス・シングルが登場!!何と言ってもケルンを拠点に活動する注目すべき女性DJ/プロデューサーLena Willikens手掛ける相当トリッピーなレフトフィールド・ダンス・リミックスB2が断トツにオススメ!!
A1. Die Wilde Spirale (Aufgang B Remix)
A2. Haetrin (John Talabot's Early Remix)
B1. Haetrin (John Talabot's Late Remix)
B2. Kraftfeld (Lena Willikens Remix)
Limited edition package of HVN039 Khidja - 'Impossible Holiday'. Aufgang B, Lena Willikens and John Talabot rework their favorite tracks of the EP. -
Khidja / Impossible Holiday
Format: 12"
Price: ¥1890(税込)
Date: 2017/11/05<Emotional Especial>をはじめ、<Love On The Rocks>、<Malka Tuti>、<Bahnsteig 23>等からリリースを重ねてきた注目すべきルーマニアン・デュオ・ユニットKhidja約2年振りとなる待望の新作が到着!!やはり凄いことになっていた全4trksグレイテスト!!文句なくパワー・レコメンデッド!!デッドストック!!
A1. Die Wilde Spirale A2. Pinnacles B1. Haetrin B2. Kraftfeld
Flore and Rusu met in high school. Growing together through various musical phases, they ended up channeling their love for outlandish dance music into one of the most exciting projects to emerge from the bubbling Eastern Europe underground scene. In their Hivern debut, they keep pushing the boundaries of their sound to forge some of their boldest productions to date. In all four tracks of Impossible Holiday, we find distinctive elements of the Khidja palette recomposed under a new (and darker) light. The 12 inch comes wrapped in a sleeve featuring an oil painting by the Romanian artist Serban Savu and design by Arnau Pi.