P.V.P. / Tshilidzi / Si Ya Jola
Format: 12"
Price: ¥2690(税込)
Date: 2019/04/29南アフリカに残された知られざる名作をリイシューした前2作品が好評だった<La Casa Tropical>最新第3弾もこれまた最高にスペシャル!!今作も南アフリカの女性グループPatience, Violet & Pinkyによるパワーワード「Not On Discogs」炸裂の感動的なクワイト・ダブル・サイダー!!
A1. Thsilidzi B1. Si Ya Jola
Banging kwaito double sider! Two of the best tracks pressed on a 12 - Nicely remastered. Patience, Violet ,and Pinky recorded their first Album in 1992. Knowing each other from the music scene, the back up singers turned friends teamed up with Emmanuel Diale and signed with Mob Music to embark on their music career as their own act. The first two albums were straight African Disco, A leftover sound of the 80's that some had still hoped to capitalize on. By the time they released their third album Why O Nketsa so Baby, loosely translated to "Why are you doing this to me Baby", Kwaito was still called either Disco or International House, and it was new sound that was taking over. -
Bayete / Blue Monday
Format: 12"
Price: ¥2690(税込)
Date: 2019/01/16当地のスーパースターだというJabu Khanyileが率いた南アフリカのディスコ・バンドBayateが'86年にリリースした名作1stシングルがオリジナル同様のジャケット付きで正規リイシュー!!あのHuneeもプレイしているキラーなアフリカン・ディスコ・ブギーB面(試聴ファイル2曲目)がキモというアジテーション!!
A1. Blue Monday B1. Open Your Heart (Vula)
Going into the studio they had their lead single “Blue Monday” , a cheap sounding drinking song that was similar to everything else on the radio at the time. They hoped this would get people dancing on weekends before having to back to work hungover on Monday. They were confident in their lead single but needed a song to put on the b - side. They quickly put together a new song “Open Your Heart ( Vula )” which had a natural feel reminiscent of the pre MIDI early 80s disco sound. It would perfectly blend the use of Synths and Keyboards, funky guitar licks, all supporting the amazing vocals sang by Jabu. It would be this last minute filler that would capture the ear of DJ’s and music lovers 30 years after its release. -
Satari / Nicky Love / Smile / Nobody To Love
Format: 12"
Price: ¥2490(税込)
Date: 2018/05/29Redlight Records及び<Music From Memory>を運営するエリート・ディガーAbel Nagengastが<Rush Hour>配給で期待の新興レーベル<La Casa Tropical>を始動!!'86年に残された最高としか言いようがないアフロ・シンセ・ブギー超名曲のグレイトフル・ダブル・サイダー!!
A1. Satari "Smile" B1 Nicky Love "Nobody To Love"
First release of label La Casa Tropical, two South African nuggets.. Especially ''Smile'' is a sought after tune by Satari.. The flip is wicked too... Tip! Synth heavy South African Disco Boogie from the Mid 80s. First issued near the end of the synth-pop era that gave boom to the local record industry, this release takes the B-sides off the mysterious group's first 2 singles recorded at Johannesburg's legendary Satbel and Ovation Studio. Combining live instruments and an embrace of the electronic gear that was already standard in all studios city wide, the newly formed supergroup was able to create a unique sound at a time the word 'Disco' was starting to be associated with a different emerging movement.