Marco Shuttle / The Vox Attitude Remixes Vol.2
Format: 2x12"
Price: ¥2890(税込)
Date: 2019/06/03Donato Dozzy主宰<Spazio Disponibile>や<The Bunker New York>でも活躍するイタリアン才人Marco Shuttleが'11年にスウェディッシュ・レーベル<Farden>記念すべき第1弾としてリリースした最高傑作が新たなリミックスを加えて、ダブルパック12インチで新装リイシュー!!何と言ってもDJ NobuやHikaruもパワー・プレイしたEcstasy, Passion & Pain"Touch & Go"のアカペラ使いも印象的なA面"The Vox Attitude"オリジナルがハウス/テクノを超越した超弩級のアンセミック・クラシック・マスターピース!!
A1. The Vox Attitude B1. The Vox Attitude (Atom TM Remix)
B2. The Vox Attitude (Marco Shuttle To the Bone Remix)
C1. Spaziale D1. Spaziale (Pessimist Remix)
After 9 years from its first release, Marco Shuttle's hard to find eternal anthemic classic "The Vox Attitude" gets re-issued for the second time in a deluxe remix pack including both tracks of the original record (from 2011) and remixes by Atom TM, Pessimist and Marco Shuttle himself. Unlike the first remix pack that came out in 2013, and that was a single 12" with remixes by Pangaea and Joy Anderson, this second remix project will also feature the track, Spaziale, B side of the original first release. -
Marco Shuttle / The Moon Chant EP
Format: 12"
Price: ¥1990(税込)
Date: 2018/12/28Donato Dozzy & Neel主宰レーベル<Spazio Disponibile>からもリリースするイタリアン才人Marco Shuttleが<The Bunker New York>からは約4年振りとなる新作をリリース!!ハウスDJもイケる妖しいチャントをフィーチャーしたトライバル・ディープ・テクノA面が特にオススメ!!
A1. The Moon Chant (Chanting By Gabriella Vergilov)
B1. Cyberia B2. Curve Pericolose
Intricate and detailed jams for your enjoyment in foggy dance floor corners. These tracks all have that unmistakable Marco Shuttle vibe with plenty of deliberate, slightly twisting melodies, shadowy disembodied echoing vocals that let your brain fill in the meaning, underpinned with punches of tautly layered rhythms. When Marco was in Brooklyn to play an 8 hour set at The Bunker Limited earlier this year he played some new demos that stuck out as something exceptional, even by his very high standards, and we knew we had his next record on The Bunker New York ready to go. -
Marco Shuttle / Flauto Synthetico
Format: 12"
Price: ¥1890(税込)
Date: 2016/08/30Donato Dozzy & Neelが始動させた期待の新興レーベル<Spazio Disponibile>第3弾!!ロンドンを拠点に活動する注目すべきイタリアン気鋭プロデューサーMarco Shuttle待望の新作!!SOLD OUT ON PRE-ORDER!!
A1. Flusso Dinamico
A2. Danza Cinetica
B1. Flauto Synthetico
Since making his debut back in 2007, Marco Shuttle has released material on an impressive selection of labels, including Clone, The Bunker New York, and his own Eerie. Here he pops up on Donato Dozzy and Neel's freshly minted Spazio Disponible imprint, serving up three tracks of creepy, feverish techno. With its bellowing, metallic hits, rainforest textures and chiming melodies, opener "Flusso Dinamico" feels like the soundtrack to a paranoid chase through a South American jungle. "Danza Cinetica" is similarly sticky in feel, but altogether more clandestine in execution, while the title track sees him charge off into experimental tropical techno territory, via high-octane rhythms, intoxicating synthesizer lines, and intoxicating melodies. -
Marco Shuttle / Sing Like A Bird
Format: 12"
Price: ¥1590(税込)
Date: 2014/06/21注目すべきイタリアン気鋭プロデューサーMarco Shuttle待望の新作!!incl.Superb Peter Van Hoesen Rmx!!
<Brut! Records>や<Farden>からのリリースがハウス/テクノをクロスオーバーに話題を集めたロンドンを拠点に活動する注目すべきイタリアン気鋭プロデューサーMarco ShuttleがベルジアンPeter Van Hoesen主宰<Time To Express>から待望の新作をドロップ!!不穏なシンセ・フレーズやダークなエフェクトを仕掛けながらドラッギーに展開する12分にも及ぶヒプノティック・ディープ・ミニマル傑作A面"Sing Like A Birdオリジナルに加え、レーベル・ボスPeter Van Hoesenによる跳ねたインダストリアル感のあるビートを敷きよりフロアユースに仕立てたメタリック・ディープ・テクノ仕上げとなったB面リミックス共にグレイテスト!!